Who is Campbell Connect?
Experienced mental health support worker, Megan Butler, has worked in community services and disability care for many years. She has provided a variety of supports in recreation, community services, youth work, aged care, disability support, mental health and wellbeing.
Establishing Campbell Connect creates an opportunity for more flexible service delivery to NDIS clients - people whose lives have been significantly affected by their mental health.
Campbell Connect provides psychosocial supports to NDIS plan managed clients. Together with your existing supports, Campbell Connect can help you make the most of your NDIS plan and support you to reach your personal goals.
Supports are individualised and based on activities which interest you. Campbell Connect services are consistent, respectful and creative.
Adelina Falls, Hazelbrook
Dip in Case Management
Dip in Community Services
Cert IV Mental Health
Dip in Recreation
NDIS Worker Check
Working With Children Check
Core Values
Strong commitment to social justice
Self disciplined and determined
Flexible and creative
Respect for difference
Advocate for diversity and inclusion
Sense of humour